If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, you have 15 days to return the product for a refund or exchange. However there will be a 25% restocking charge for all returns, which are not factory defect. We will give you full refund on any returns which are factory defect only, exchanges can be done with no restocking fee charges, if you should and you choose to send your purchase back for a refund; we will refund your original purchase price after we received the good in our warehouse and 25% restocking fee was deducted. (Example: Original Purchase price is $25.00, Restocking Fee 25%, $25 X 25% = $6.25 $25.00 - $6.25 = $18.75 Your Final Refund Amount) Please note we will not pay for any of the shipping charges sending and returning shipping charges) (and if you are returning an item with free shipping option we will deduct $6.95 for the shipping Plus the 25% restocking fee) If you return your purchase for an exchange, we will send you either the same product or a similar product in the same price range as your purchased product price that you choose. If you decided to exchange your item with an item that is more expensive than the item you purchased we will ask you to place a new order and purchase the new item, and after you purchase the new item we will give you your full refund on your existing purchased item that you wanted to exchange. Please purchase tracking and insurance on your returned item or send via a carrier that automatically covers your package, such as USPS / UPS / FEDEX. We will not be responsible for lost packages nor are we responsible for the cost of returning an item back to us. Please Note: the entire returned item must be in original brand new condition with box and papers (with no link remove or scratches or any sign of wear) Items that are damaged, missing parts, not in the original condition, or has obvious signs of use for reasons not due to an BizoBizo.com error the restocking fee will be Up to 60% of the item's price Return should be sent to: USPS Only: Attn. Returns Department. P.O.Box 13850 Los Angeles, CA 90013 If Send Via UPS or FedEx: Attn. Returns Department. 506 South Spring Street #13850 Los Angeles, CA 90013
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